Piersistance Wins in White Rock
New accessibility mat at the White Rock pier is a result of SCI BC peer’s persistent advocacy and dedication.
Go Vote 2022: Essential Information for Accessible Elections
Where and how can people with physical disabilities vote? We’ve compiled a list of voting locations and options in urban centres across the province for BC’s municipal elections.
Are Our Emergency Preparations and Responses Inclusive?
In this blog, our Executive Director, Chris McBride, shares his thoughts on society’s need for accessible emergency response plans when natural disasters strike.
Why do you need a Power of Attorney?
Appointing a trusted family member or a friend as power of attorney is something that should be considered with care and with the help of a lawyer. Read on to find out what it is exactly, how it works and what can happen if you don’t have one.
Accessibility Legislation is Inspirational, even when it isn’t.
While the highly-technical legalese of the Accessible BC Act doesn’t appear to be inspirational at first glance, what it represents, and what it sets in motion is truly inspirational. Chris McBride explains why it’s written this way, and the magnitude of change the Act is intended to achieve.
Introduction to Class Action Law with Slater Vecchio LLP
Our sponsors at Slater Vecchio LLP are experts in their field. In this blog, they explain class action law, how to get involved, and why it is important.
New Amendments to Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) Legislation
What are the new Bill-C7 amendments to Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) legislation and how can you get involved?
Safely Cast Your Vote in the Upcoming Provincial Election
Elections BC has been working with the office of the Provincial Health Officer and WorkSafeBC to provide us with safe options for voting. Here are three ways to cast your ballot.
Tips For Working With Your Condo’s Strata Council For Common Area Accessibility
Getting your strata to understand about accessibility and to cooperate can be challenging to say the least. Here is how one SCI BC peer successfully lobbied their strata council for accessibility improvements.
How to Engage in Activism Without Attending a Protest
If you feel passionate about a movement what can you do to support it? With COVID-19 and as a person with a disability, do you feel safe participating in a protest? Here is some info on how to get involved and effect change while staying safe.
BC SCI Network Accessibility Legislation Consultations: Summary & Report
In 2019, the BC SCI Network hosted a series of accessibility legislation community consultations to gather feedback on what would make Canada accessible and inclusive for all. Key findings and the full report are available here.
#AllOnBoard For Affordable and Accessible Transportation
How can we ensure our transportation systems are affordable and accessible to those who need them most? As part of Transit 2050 consultations, the #AllonBoard campaign addressed this question.