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The Full Spectrum
How one SCI BC peer’s accidental foray into entrepreneurship is helping advance accessibility consulting.
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Ask the Spin Doctor: Colonoscopy
Dr. Karen Smith, Physiatrist and Emeritus Professor in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at Queens University, and co-author of the Actionable Nuggets, gives colonoscopy advice for people with SCI.
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You Give Me Hope
Bryan wondered how his spinal cord injury would affect his wife and two children and the activities they do together. Thanks to SCI BC's Peer Program, this family man was able to learn from peers and get out on the water with his family.
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Piersistance Wins in White Rock
New accessibility mat at the White Rock pier is a result of SCI BC peer’s persistent advocacy and dedication.
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Understanding Power Chair Battery Basics
Don't let battery troubles slow you down! Our friends at Macdonald's Home Health Care share the basics of power chair batteries to keep you moving.
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That’s The Spirit!
Meet Dan Duffy, the recipient of the 2024 Susan Marshall Fighting Spirit Award.
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The Fine Print
Just like SCI stem cell research a few years ago, there’s a lot of hype surrounding neurostimulation. Now there’s some concern that the complete story isn’t being told—particularly when it comes to the online description and promotion of epidural spinal cord stimulation.
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SCI & Immunity
Emerging research is shedding new light on an old question: does spinal cord injury affect the body’s immune response?
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