Resource Database

Choosing a Wheelchair

Updated on November 19, 2024

There are many options to consider when choosing a wheelchair type and these documents and links will be useful to those new to the process, to determine the general type that would work best. For specific sizes, models, positioning and other concerns, an Occupational Therapist (OT) must be consulted. An OT prescription is necessary for insurance coverage.

There are publicly-funded OTs available in all health authorities in BC. You can request access through your doctor or primary care team, or through your case manager if you have one. You can also hire an OT privately. Some OTs have more experience with SCI than others. For people with higher-level injuries, complex seating, or a history of pressure sores, a referral to the seating clinic at GF Strong should be considered. See our document on Wheelchair Seating Assessments in BC for more information.

Manual Chairs

Power Chairs

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