If you are seeking housing
SCI BC maintains a Housing List of Vacancies that contains listings of accessible affordable (or subsidized) housing that we receive from housing providers across the province. If you are seeking housing and you would like to be added to our distribution list to receive the list, call our InfoLine at 1 800 689-2477 or email info@sci-bc.ca.
Also, refer to our SCI BC Marketplace where you will find current listings provided by housing providers. The SCI BC Marketplace webpage has housing listings that are for rent or for sale across the province.
If you are a housing provider and have an accessible property for rent or sale
If you would like your property listed, you can do one of two things:
1. Contact one of our InfoLine Service Agents at 1 800 689-2477 or email us at info@sci-bc.ca and provide the following information:
Rental Properties:
Name of Housing Property
Unit size (one bedroom vs. two-bedroom etc.)
Bathroom type (tub & grab bar vs. wheel-in-shower)
Additional accessibility features
Availability of rent subsidy
Availability date
Contact person and telephone number
Properties for Sale:
Size (one bedroom vs. two-bedroom etc.)
Bathroom type (tub & grab bar vs. wheel-in-shower)
Additional accessibility features
MLS listing or webpage link
Contact person and telephone number
2. Register and post your property yourself using our easy to use online housing database.
Refer to our webpage SCI BC Marketplace where you can register and post your property. The SCI BC Marketplace webpage provides you the opportunity to list your property by provincial regions. When posting your property, use the handy check boxes to note the accessible features of your listing.
The Housing List of Vacancies is distributed to a wide range of housing seekers and service providers, including: people with disabilities and their families, hospitals, rehab centres, social workers, occupational therapists, health care workers, and other disability or social service agencies. Please note that the Housing List of Vacancies is only for affordable (for someone on PWD or similar income) accessible housing. Other housing listings will be listed on Marketplace.
If you have any questions regarding either the Housing List of Vacancies or Marketplace, call our InfoLine at 1 800 689-2477 and speak to one of our Information Service Agents or contact us by email at info@sci-bc.ca.