With whatever vehicle or conversion that you use, there are some things that should be decided upon when purchasing and converting a vehicle.
Securement of the wheelchair is important as this provides the primary form of restraint for the wheelchair user.
Tie-down straps work effectively for securing wheelchairs. However, they cannot always be handled by the wheelchair user themselves. There are electronic wheelchair lockdown systems, such as the EZ-Lock system, that work very effectively in securing a heavy power chair. These type of systems are crash-tested to keep the wheelchair in place in an accident. While expensive, they allow the wheelchair user to secure the chair easily and quickly without the use of tie-down straps, while maximizing safety.
Even if one purchases a van with an electronic lockdown system, it is always handy to also keep a set of tie-down straps inside the vehicle for an emergency.
The other thing to carefully consider is auto insurance coverage. Auto insurance companies provide coverage for the conversion and adaptive equipment. However, when obtaining coverage, make sure that the coverage you get covers the entire conversion. With some auto insurance companies, there are different types of coverage. Read the fine print to make sure that your coverage includes all aspects of the conversion (eg. lowered floor or kneeling system, lockdown system, hand controls, lift, etc.). Don’t assume that the coverage includes every adaptation, make sure it is all fully covered.
It is important that when you apply for auto insurance coverage for your converted vehicle, you send the insurance company the list itemizing all of the changes done to the vehicle for the conversion. This list can be obtained from the mobility dealership performing the conversion or from the seller if you bought a used vehicle that had already been converted. While the insurance costs are high for these types of vehicles, it is worth every penny to ensure you have the coverage you need.
See our List of Companies that Do Vehicle Conversions in BC to find your closest location.