Racing Towards Legacy
How one SCI BC peer’s passion for race car driving continues a family legacy. Riley Martin discusses accessibility and racing.
Fun With Three Wheels
SCI BC peer, Simon Harrington has discovered the amazing Can-Am three wheelers and how they can open the door to experiencing the joys of motorcycling.
Research Reboot
ICORD researchers are hoping to regain momentum for a research project to explore the benefits of exercise for people with SCI who suffer from chronic pain.
FashionABLE: Where Form & Function Meet
Dr. Andrei Krassioukov — ICORD’s principle investigator — delves into how to make fashion more accessible without compromising style.
Fee to Pee: Research Highlights Catheter Costs and Inequity
A combination of research, advocacy and growing public awareness is helping to build the momentum needed to change inequitable funding and health practices for urinary catheter supplies across Canada.
Speed Matters: Spinal Cord Simulation Device Aids in Bowel Routine
A research group reveals how a spinal cord simulation device helps people with SCI and their bowel routine.
Ripped: SCI BC Peer Lifts to New Heights with Bodybuilding
Kamloops bodybuilder Tory Jones shares his bodybuilding journey after spinal cord injury.
The Spin Doctor: Breastfeeding after SCI
Like all mothers, women with SCI may experience common breastfeeding challenges – but for mothers with SCI there are often additional challenges. In this Spin Doctors series, we explore solutions to these difficulties.
Chairstuff’s New Community & Education Section Offers Curated Information and Videos.
In Chairstuff’s new Community & Education section of their website, you’ll find carefully sourced information on Self-Catheterization, Bowel Routines, Foley Catheters and Condom Catheters.
Building a Better FreeWheel
An inside look at how BCIT and ICORD researcher Dr. Jaimie Borisoff is taking one of the most popular wheelchair add-ons ever created to the next level.
Are Our Emergency Preparations and Responses Inclusive?
In this blog, our Executive Director, Chris McBride, shares his thoughts on society’s need for accessible emergency response plans when natural disasters strike.
Back in the Hunt: An Accessible Hunting Adventure
A unique partnership between Kelowna-based Accessible Wilderness Expeditions and an Okanagan construction company is providing opportunities for peers to experience big game hunting in BC’s backcountry.