Spinal Cord Injury Research

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SCI BC has partnerships with a number of organizations whose research centres on injury prevention and improving the quality of life of people with a spinal cord injury. In particular, SCI BC works with the International Collaboration on Repair Discoveries (ICORD).

Participate in a study

For your own safety and ease of mind, SCI BC encourages you to do your research before agreeing to participate in any study.

Learn more about SCI research

Visit these websites to learn more about SCI research happening in British Columbia.

I am a student/professor/scientist conducting SCI Research. Will you help me recruit participants?

Due to the frequency of requests, we only promote research projects in which we are a direct partner, or if Spinal Cord Injury BC will directly benefit from the research in some way. However, we routinely direct our members to ICORD’s Participate in a Study webpage. In addition, qualified researchers can post recruitment notices on our Facebook and Instagram pages.

Research Resources