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Fiber by Hominid X

Updated on November 19, 2024

Fiber is a game-changing assistive grasping device for individuals living with hand weakness or paralysis.

Every aspect of this product was carefully optimized to make daily tasks such as eating, drinking, writing, and using the phone effortless. With an innovative grasping mechanism, Fiber allows for the natural and conformal grasping of objects.

There are several points of adjustability so one standard size can be tailored to fit the needs of every user.

Fiber’s unique design is based on a force-balanced, complementary pair of straps that create a truly conformal flexion motion in the fingers while maintaining a natural and comfortable grasp.

Adjusting Fiber is easy, simply adjust the wristband and finger strap to your desired tightness. The dorsal strap can also be adjusted to provide extension of the fingers. It also fits over most wrist braces, making it accessible for those with reduced wrist mobility.

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