Resource Database

The Frog Foundation

Updated on January 30, 2025

Two devices, the Frog and the GoBro are available to help infants and young children with mobility disabilities to be more active and mobile in their environment.

See the website for full descriptions of both products, including lots of pictures and information to help you and an Occupational Therapist determine if this equipment will be helpful for your child.

You can shop online and also complete a financial needs request, if applicable.

The Frog Mobility Device: If your child has difficulty moving on their tummy, the Frog could greatly enhance their success. Available to children as young as 6 months.

GoBro: Children who have a variety of disabilities such as cerebral palsy or spina binifi and good use of both arms, the ability to hold their head up, and sufficient flexibility to bend the hips can use this device.


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