Here is some information about wound care and wound care clinics in BC.
Wound Care:
Wounds vary in nature, severity, and location on the body. Different wounds require different treatment. Severity of the wound, infection, and the health of the person all impact treatment options. Each health authority has a slightly different way of dealing with wounds and some health care providers are more knowledgeable about SCI-related wounds.
Some health authorities use the Pixalere system where local nurses take pictures of the wound and consult with a centralized wound care clinic for treatment options.
Hospitals in the major centres have wound clinics, accessible by referral. There is also an SCI-specific wound clinic in Vancouver.
In smaller communities, people may have access to one or more of the following: Registered Nurses with wound care training, home care staff, or Enterostomal Therapy nurses.
In large centres, people may access wound care by referral through Home and Community Care nurses, family doctor, or the ER. In smaller centres, people may have to travel to a larger community to access care. Contact either your local health care provider or Home and Community Care office, or ask InfoLine for your best local contact.
Wound care might be done in the person’s home, an outpatient clinic, or a hospital stay for more serious cases. Treatment may include dressing changes, staying off the affected area, changes in equipment, or debridement, Extreme cases may require skin grafts or flap surgery.
BC Home and Community Care Clinic Contact and Self-Referral Information
This page lists local and regional contacts across the province.