Go Vote 2022: Essential Information for Accessible Elections
Where and how can people with physical disabilities vote? We’ve compiled a list of voting locations and options in urban centres across the province for BC’s municipal elections.
Emergency Essentials for People with Disabilities
People with disabilities face unique challenges when it comes to emergency preparation, evacuation, shelter, and the recovery process. By planning ahead you can more confidently protect yourself when disaster strikes.
#AllOnBoard For Affordable and Accessible Transportation
How can we ensure our transportation systems are affordable and accessible to those who need them most? As part of Transit 2050 consultations, the #AllonBoard campaign addressed this question.
Living with SCI: What You Need to Know About Autonomic Dysreflexia
Autonomic Dysreflexia (AD) is a potentially life-threatening complication of a spinal cord injury that happens at T6 or above. Learn more about the signs, symptoms and prevention of AD—with content from our Living with SCI site!
Wheel Love: A New Documentary on Love, Sex, Relationships, Fertility and SCI
Whether you’re a Peer interested in having a family, or just someone who appreciates stellar film-making, you don’t want to miss a compelling new short documentary conceived by Wheel Love’s Chelsea McEvoy.
This is my Life for Now…Until Further Notice: The Topsy-Turvy World of MS
Imagine living a life not knowing when MS will hijack your mobility. Guest writer Linda Tang takes us on her journey with disability through prose and poetry.
A Good Reason to Smile: First Wheelchair Accessible Dental Chair
Dr. David Burdett’s New Westminster dental clinic debuts what’s believed to be the first wheelchair accessible dental chair in British Columbia.
Reality Check: Is the Neurostimulation Effective?
The buzz keeps growing about the potential of neurostimulation to restore function for people with SCI. Is the hype warranted? ICORD’s Dr. Tom Nightingale helps us put it all into perspective.
Clear Vision: SCI and Optometry
Dr. Paul Clark has enjoyed a rewarding career as an optometrist with an SCI, and has some insight for those seeking to maximize their vision and eye health.
Much More Than Coffee: South Fraser Active Living Group
In two short years, the South Fraser Active Living Group has taken Peer power to a whole new level.
Active Transportation Summit: Accessible for All
SCI BC’s Information Resource Specialist, Heather Lamb, recently attended the Active Transportation Summit in New Westminster and was impressed by the conference’s accessibility. Here are her thoughts on the event.
Taking a Drive Down Memory Lane: Two SCI BC Peers & One Iconic Car
One iconic car. Two larger-than-life owners and friends. Big Red was a familiar sight to many older Peers during the early days of Spinal Cord Injury BC.