Switch It Up!
Tired of the same old exercise routine? A team of ICORD researchers has been working overtime to move the revolutionary aROW and aSKI cardio exercisers out of the lab and into our communities and homes.
Research Reboot
ICORD researchers are hoping to regain momentum for a research project to explore the benefits of exercise for people with SCI who suffer from chronic pain.
FashionABLE: Where Form & Function Meet
Dr. Andrei Krassioukov — ICORD’s principle investigator — delves into how to make fashion more accessible without compromising style.
Building a Better FreeWheel
An inside look at how BCIT and ICORD researcher Dr. Jaimie Borisoff is taking one of the most popular wheelchair add-ons ever created to the next level.
Exercising Options for Cardio Workout Equipment
A unique multi-institution research collaboration here in BC continues to expand peer options for new and better cardio equipment—in the home and the gym.
Row For Health: Using Adapted Rowing Machines for Fitness and Health
Can adapted rowing machines help to maintain health and fitness? Here’s how researchers are helping to create accessible exercise options.
Surveys for People with Disabilities during COVID-19
When the COVID-19 pandemic was declared, there was an enormous amount of uncertainty about what the future would hold. Along with it, came an enormous amount of surveys. To help navigate this “survey tsunami”, we’ve compiled a helpful list of those relevant for people with disabilities.
Real-world study with lidocaine reveals surprising results.
Real-world study with lidocaine reveals suprising results — new findings by ICORD researchers strongly suggest lidocaine as part of your bowel program is probably doing more harm than good.
Reality Check: Is the Neurostimulation Effective?
The buzz keeps growing about the potential of neurostimulation to restore function for people with SCI. Is the hype warranted? ICORD’s Dr. Tom Nightingale helps us put it all into perspective.
Pleasure Principles Part 2: Partners and Peer Support
Sex is healthy. In your own privacy or with a partner, you deserve to have a sexual life, if you want it, says Dr. Stacy Elliott.
7 Easy Tips To Make Cooking More Accessible
For many people with disabilities, cooking can be a daunting task. Limited hand function, inaccessible spaces, and budgetary constraints tend to leave home cooking on the back burner. We asked a group of kitchen-savvy Peers to share their top tips and tricks for frustration-free cooking.
SCI and Mental Wellbeing: Top 25 Takeaways from our Annual Health Forum
Connection. Nutrition. Fitness. Pain Management. Mindfulness. These tips and tricks from our 2016 SCI Mental Wellbeing Forum can change your life.