The Spin Doctor: Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS)

Several peers have asked us about carpal tunnel syndrome pain that has intensified with age, and surgery options to ease it. We referred to some trusted online sources and asked two of our peers who have dealt with this problem to share their experiences.

The Spin Doctor: How to Naturally Treat Toe Fungus

“Why do I always seem to have toe fungus, and how can I treat it naturally?” It’s a question we hear often from peers. We asked for assistance from The Rollin’ RNs who write about SCI-related health issues based on their experience as registered nurses who live with paraplegia.

The Spin Doctor: Anemia

“It seems that anemia is prevalent for people with chronic conditions such as SCI. I think it’s a big deal, but not much is shared about it. Can you help out here with an article or information?” Read on for answers in our Spin Doctor series.

Tough Pants: Protective Pants for the Adaptive Climber

The popularity of adaptive climbing continues to grow, but how do you protect the lower limbs and skin of climbers with SCI? A unique collaboration of climbers, designers and an outdoor clothing manufacturer stylishly solve this problem.

Accessibility Legislation is Inspirational, even when it isn’t.

While the highly-technical legalese of the Accessible BC Act doesn’t appear to be inspirational at first glance, what it represents, and what it sets in motion is truly inspirational. Chris McBride explains why it’s written this way, and the magnitude of change the Act is intended to achieve.