SCI and COVID-19 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Posted on April 22, 2021
by Jocelyn Maffin

This post was last updated on October 5, 2021.

There’s a lot of information about COVID-19 in the news, online, and on TV. But what and who do we trust? Our team at SCI BC has compiled a comprehensive list of trusted sources to help you stay informed.

Don’t miss our Ask an Expert: COVID-19 video playlist and read on for answers to the most frequently asked questions specific to spinal cord injury or related physical disabilities and COVID-19.

We will be updating this post with more FAQs as they become available—so please check back for the latest information. Got questions? Contact SCI BC’s Infoline at 1-800-689-2477, or email at

I think I might have the virus, or need a test for COVID-19!

  • Take the online self-assessment tool for people with symptoms or who are concerned they may have the virus:
  • Visit the BC CDC website to find a testing site near you:
  • People with SCI should keep in mind that COVID-19 symptoms may appear similar to a bladder infection.
  • Still not sure how to proceed? Call 811 to speak with a health nurse and make sure to mention any disability-related needs you have. For example, ask if COVID testing sites are wheelchair accessible, if you cannot use a vehicle, or if you require an attendant to get you around. Ask about mobile/home testing options for people with disabilities.

Image Credit: Twitter @VCHhealthcare

How can I learn more about the vaccine? Am I clinically extremely vulnerable?

The COVID-19 vaccines will be provided to Canadians free of charge and have been carefully reviewed for safety and effectiveness. They are available to everyone.

We urge you to check Immunize BC for details on how you can get the vaccine in your area, and verify all information you come across about these vaccinations with trusted sources like the BC Centre for Disease Control or the BC Provincial Government’s Get Vaccinated website. 

Am I Clinically Extremely Vulnerable? There are two main ways that people with SCI may be considered CEV and may be entitled to priority access to the vaccine: those who use ventilators or continuous BiPAP (biphasic positive airway pressure) devices, and those who rely on caregivers from health authorities or self-managed and funded by independent living funding (CSIL).  Since April 6, people who fall into the CEV criteria who have not yet received an invitation to book an appointment can do so through the call centre. 

If you have multiple overlapping chronic conditions but don’t fall under any of the CEV criteria, but feel your overlapping conditions may put you at a much higher risk of COVID-19, talk to your doctor. They may be able to provide you with an attestation letter to enable you to book a vaccine appointment. More info.

You can learn more about the vaccine and BC’s immunization plan by visiting these websites:

When you are booking your vaccine appointment, make sure to indicate your accessibility needs. Mobile vaccination appointments are available to people who need them, so remember to ask about this when making the appointment. Even if the vaccine centre is wheelchair accessible, if you require attendant support or don’t have access to a vehicle, make sure you advise the booking call centre. 

SCI BC is advocating to ensure people with SCI and other disabilities have fair and equitable access to the vaccine. We have been working to ensure that people with SCI and other disabilities are not discriminated against and that a human rights approach be taken in all aspects of decision-making during the pandemic.

Are the vaccines safe for me as a person with SCI? How do we know?

Yes. This was a topic covered by a Spin Doctor column in the Spring 2021 issue of The Spin magazine (pg 26) with Dr. Kim Anderson-Erisman, President of the North American SCI Consortium (NASCIC), Director of the Northeastern Ohio SCI Model System, and Professor at Case Western Reserve University in Ohio, USA, and person living with quadriplegia:

At the time of writing, I was not aware of any adverse reactions experienced by people with SCI that were different than what the general population may experience—and here in the USA, many (including me) have been vaccinated, including patients at the Department of Veterans Affairs’ SCI centers.

Vaccines have long been recommended for people with SCI as the risks of preventable illnesses like the flu and pneumonia for people with decreased lung function far outweigh any known vaccine risk. No published data indicates a specific risk for people with SCI, and for many reasons, mRNA (Moderna and Pfizer) vaccines might be a bit safer. mRNA has previously been used for decades as part of cancer treatment, indicating it is safe for those who are immune-compromised. And because they don’t introduce any live or inactivated virus into the body, there isn’t even a tiny risk of contracting the virus from the vaccine.

Considering the risks of any type of lung infection to people with SCI, there are many good reasons to have a COVID-19 vaccine as soon as it’s available to you. For more, check out this article on our blog about vaccine safety and how we know, written in March 2021.

Canadian Study shows vaccination still dramatically reduces dangers tied to more-contagious variant

A recent study conducted by researchers at the University of Toronto between February and June 2021 confirms that COVID-19 vaccines also blunted the severity of the variants by reducing the risk of severe disease and death in partially and fully vaccinated people. This indicates the reason for getting vaccinated is not just for the protection of others – it is increasingly important for protecting one’s self. It goes on further to show that unvaccinated people in Ontario infected with the Delta variant were at a 108 per cent increased risk for hospitalization, 235 per cent increased risk for ICU admission and 133 per cent increased risk for death compared to the original virus strain. The Delta variant is also causing more severe illness in a greater number of younger people. To read more, go to this article in CBC Health News published Oct 5, 2021

What about the clots? Aren’t people with SCI at higher risk of clots? 

Recently a very small number of cases of a rare clotting disorder have been associated with two of the many COVID-19 vaccines, 8 cases in 7 million doses of  Johnson & Johnson/Janssen (J&J), and 86 in 25 million doses of Oxford/AstraZeneca (AZ). While we have no SCI-specific information on these rare complications, there are a few things to consider:

  • The types of clotting disorders seen in very rare cases associated with these vaccines are seen in the brain and the abdomen, and resemble clotting disorder related to the use of Heparin, without the presence of that anti-clotting drug (2). These are unrelated to the specific type of clots that people with SCI are more prone to, venous thromboembolism or deep vein thrombosis (DVT), caused by immobility in the leg muscles and lack of adequate circulation of blood back to the heart from the legs.
  • Your risk of clots (specifically DVT) related to your spinal cord injury is highest within the first three months of your injury (3), though your risk of this type of clot remains slightly elevated throughout your lifetime, and may be somewhat higher during times of immobility, for example, due to a pressure injury or other issues requiring bed rest.
  • The seriousness or risk of this rare complication is not related to its prominence in the news, or the decision to pause the use of these vaccines. For example, in the US, use of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine was paused briefly and the complications, while rare, made public – not because they believed the vaccine to be a risk to public health, but because they wanted healthcare providers to know of the complication and how to treat it as it differs from the standard treatment for similar clotting conditions (4).
  • Your risk of clots due to COVID-19 infection is considerably higher than the risk of clotting disorders due to these vaccines (5). Initially, public health experts and vaccine regulators paused the use of these vaccines among certain age groups until more data was available, however recent studies have found that the risk of clots due to COVID-19 infection is 10 times higher than the risk of clotting disorders related to the AZ and J&J vaccines. an Oxford University study found a 39-in-1-million chance of developing a rare blood clot condition after being diagnosed with COVID-19, compared with about a 4-in-1-million chance after receiving Pfizer or Moderna vaccines (6). As a result of this research, public health experts and vaccine regulators like CAVI in Canada have removed restrictions on the use of these vaccines now that healthcare providers are alert to the signs of this extremely rare complication.
  • Experts continue to say that the best vaccine is the one available to you, but if you are worried about it and the vaccine available to you is AZ or J&J, talk with your doctor about it. The majority of vaccines in Canada continue to be the mRNA vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna, so you may be able to choose an alternative, though you may have to wait a bit to get the one you choose.
  1. Johnson & Johnson Vaccine: European Medicines Agency Says Blood Clot a Very Rare Side Effect. BBC News, April 20, 2021
  2. COVID-19 Vaccinations and Blood Clots: 5 Key Questions. Nature. April 16, 2021.
  3. Blood Clots and Spinal Cord Injury – University of Washington Model SCI System
  4. We Can’t Afford to Miss It – Doctors Alert To Rare Blood Clot Linked to Vaccine NBC News, April 16, 2021
  5. Risk of Cerebral Blood Clots from Disease Is Ten Times Higher Than That from Vaccination. British Medical Journal. 16 April 2021
  6. Blood Clot Risk from COVID-19 Higher Than After Vaccines: Study.  The Scientist Magazine, April 16, 2021.

I got my first shot! Do I still need to listen to the public health guidelines?

Awesome! It’s great to have that reassurance that you are at lower risk of a serious COVID-19 infection, however, the first dose only provides incomplete protection, and may not provide as much protection against variants of concern (VOC). These mutations of the COVID-19 virus now make up most of BC’s COVID-19 cases, so everyone including those vaccinated must continue to follow public health guidance until community immunity is reached through full vaccination of a majority of the population.

Here is a helpful guide on what you should or shouldn’t be doing based on your vaccination level.

Below info is from the Province of BC’s Immunization plan:

Lifting current restrictions will be based on many factors, including:

    • Number of people immunized and level of community immunity
    • Number of COVID-19 cases in the province
    • Health care system capacity

Going back to normal life will take time. Even if you have received the vaccine, you must follow provincial health orders and protect others by:

    • Washing your hands
    • Staying home when sick and getting tested
    • Keeping a safe distance from others
    • Wearing a mask in public indoor spaces

Together, we can keep each other safe.

What is the BC Vaccine Card and how can I get one?

Starting September 13, you will need proof of vaccination to access some events, services and businesses. You can download your vaccine card online, here:

To do this, have your date of birth, PHN, and date of your vaccine dose(s) on hand. If you need help, you can call the provincial Get Vaccinated call centre at 1-833-838-2323 or visit the website above.

We recognize that a digital card may not be the best option for everyone. For those who would like a paper card you can get this a few different ways:

  • Ask a trusted organization, family member, or friend to print out the Vaccine Card on your behalf
  • Call the provincial Get Vaccinated call centre at 1-833-838-2323 available from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., daily to get a copy of their Vaccine Card mailed to you
    Translation support is available in 140 languages
    – Telephone services for the Deaf are available at 7-1-1
    – Video Relay Services also provide sign language interpretation at no cost for registered deaf, hard of hearing, or speech-impaired people

As always, SCI BC’s toll-free InfoLine is also available to help you navigate these processes and answer questions related to SCI. You can call us at 1-800-689-2477 or reach us at

What information is there about breakthrough cases of vaccinated people with SCI?

Veterans Health Administration (VHA) medical records pertaining to COVID-19 infections and vaccinations is the first to provide preliminary data on vaccine breakthrough in Veterans with spinal cord injuries and disorders (SCI/D).

A letter to the editor of the journal, Spinal Cord, published August 17, 2021 suggests that breakthrough cases of COVID-19 in vaccinated American veterans are rare and that having an SCI or spinal cord disorder does not increase the risk of breakthrough infection. The data also highlights the importance of vaccination in decreasing morbidity and mortality associated with COVID-19 infection in the SCI/D population. Read more in this article featured in Spinal Cord Aug. 17, 2021

What if my caregiver has symptoms of COVID-19?

  • Ensure they contact 811 and/or refer them to the self-assessment tool:
  • If a caregiver employee is sent home due to COVID-19 risk, you only have to pay the minimum 2 hour requirement or the time already worked, whichever is more.
  • Make sure to let employees who are sent home sick know that there is an EI sickness benefit for those forced to quarantine due to COVID19, they can contact EI for more information.

How do I keep my hands clean when I have to touch my wheelchair?

Public health experts have advised everyone to wash their hands regularly to prevent the spread of COVID-19. It can be harder for people using wheelchairs to do so if they are always touching their wheelchairs, or using their teeth to compensate for poor hand function. It is important that you also wipe your wheelchair wheels, high-touch areas you use to transfer, and joystick or armrests every time you wash your hands.

Dr. Jennifer Grant, an Infectious Diseases specialist at Richmond Hospital indicated that the mechanical forces that typical wheelchair wheels experience mean that the virus is unlikely to survive there, however, the virus can last a long while on metal and plastic coatings used for wheelchair push rims, meaning that it’s important to wipe down your wheels and pushrims when you wash your hands. More on this in our Ask an Expert: Infectious Disease article.

Should I wear gloves outside instead? Probably not, unless you need to protect your hands or have a wound you need to protect. See more in Dr. Grant’s Ask An Expert article.

SCI specific resources about COVID-19

See the SCI BC Ask an Expert Video Playlist for Q&A sessions with medical experts about COVID19 and Spinal Cord Injury.

SCIRE Community (a resource from GF Strong Rehab Centre and UBC) has some great information handouts on COVID-19 basics like handwashing, guidance for caregivers, mental health and social isolation.

In this at-home resource list, you’ll find a wealth of information on living day to day while self-isolating. From online games, virtual events, physical activity to grocery shopping tips and hand hygiene for people with SCI.

If you’re looking for resources for mental health and respiratory care refer to this document which addresses depression, the psychological impact of quarantine and how to reduce it, SCI Respiratory care specific to COVID-19 and much more.

SCI & COVID 19 (SCI Canada):

Should I still go to my previously-scheduled medical appointment or treatment? (UPDATED April 2020)

SCI rehab specialists continue to see patients and offer treatments at GF Strong and VCH hospitals. Family physicians and walk-in clinics may only be seeing patients via phone or videoconference, and many are quite busy, resulting in long waits for appointments. The only closure we are aware of at this stage has been the closure of a few paediatric ICUs in select VCH and Fraser Health hospitals to redeploy staff and equipment where needed. Minister Dix has indicated that BC is still operating at an expected level of hospital bed usage due to the absence of seasonal flu in BC this year.

December 2020: As case counts of COVID-19 fluctuate in British Columbia, public health authorities have started taking a regional approach to preventing the spread of COVID-19 across health authority boundaries for non-work and non-medical reasons. There is no restriction on medical travel across health authority boundaries in BC, however, the same advice applies as mentioned below. Check with your provider’s office ahead of time and discuss the risks with your physician. Hospitals in BC continue to be well equipped to manage the safety of their outpatients as well as inpatients during the pandemic, with many hospitals continuing outpatient and even inpatient surgical procedures.

As of June 2020, most healthcare providers have returned to some level of service, though some including dentists are offering shorter office hours in order to ensure offices are cleaned and staff and patients are protected. Call your healthcare provider’s office to find out their level of service and find out if video or Telehealth options are available for you.

In our May 2020 Ask an Expert session with Infectious Diseases specialist Dr. Jennifer Grant, Dr. Grant indicated that during Phase 3 of re-opening when there is a very small level of virus circulating in the community, this is a very good time to keep your medical appointments as the risk is very low. Healthcare providers are encouraging patients to not stay at home with health concerns too long out of fear of the virus as it may make it harder to look after your concern. If you are considering putting off your appointment because of concerns about COVID19, contact the clinician’s office to let them know first, they may be able to offer you an alternative.

There’s not always a clear answer to this question, but here are some things to consider:

Call the provider’s office first to ensure they are still seeing patients.
Consider how this appointment/treatment may put you at risk: will you encounter anyone else who doesn’t live with you while keeping the appointment (ie transit/taxi, waiting rooms, etc.)? Will you be in a space where there are at risk patients or caregivers? Will you be in contact with healthcare providers who may be exposed to COVID-19 (ie: in the ER)?

Will missing the appointment/treatment cause you medical withdrawal from medications or result in acute negative health issues requiring hospital care? If so, try one of the options below:

  • Ask the provider’s office if they can do a phone appointment instead. Most specialists and physicians are doing phone appointments to keep patients out of their waiting rooms.
  • Try seeing a primary care/family doctor using an online virtual health service like the following (free for people on BC MSP):

I’m having trouble finding PPE/medical supplies, or costs have gone way up!

  • BC Pharmacies are now allowed to provide refills of prescribed medication without a new prescription. Contact your local pharmacy for information about delivery. Health Canada has issued a temporary exemption for access to opioid medications for people with pain. More information is here, but you may need to speak to your pharmacist about it. The exemption was only issued March 24 2020.
  • Contact our Infoline at 1-800-689-2477 or and let us know your need. We have supplies of PPE and disposable gloves, as well as home exercise kits we can send out free of charge.
  • Check our Marketplace: You can post a request for the supplies you need or browse supplies for sale or donation.
  • Ask your pharmacy if they have any supplies behind the counter (specifically for medical needs like yours) – in many locations they are hiding some medical supplies like gloves and wipes for their patients because of hoarding.

How do I work with my caregiver during this time?

  • Contact your CSIL worker if you are having issues securing caregivers, or getting them adequate supplies to protect you both.
  • You can use agency caregivers if you aren’t able to secure usual caregivers using your CSIL funding, however they are more expensive and may already be working at capacity.
  • How do I maintain self-isolation with my caregivers working so closely with me? Caregivers need to work closely in order to support us, but you should take great care that they and you are protected.
  • SCI Alberta also has online caregiver training modules to help you get a family member trained up in a pinch.
  • How do I deal with caregivers cancelling shifts or being unavailable? What if they are exposed to high risk people at another job?  CSIL employers are allowed to have family members provide more of your care hours than usual. Contact your health authority case worker for more information or get in touch with Pathways For Independence CSIL employer support group for more information:, or 604-777-7576.

I’m having trouble with self-isolation because someone I live with is in regular contact with symptomatic people or is not following social distancing or isolation precautions, what can I do?

Protecting your health is extremely important in this situation. You have every right to maintain your isolation and ask your housemates to do the same. It gets thorny when they refuse or clearly are not, but there aren’t a lot of clear options about what to do next:

  • Check out our advice on this from the June 2020 issue of The Spin, in the Spin Doctor article: Your last question is the trickiest. Many Peers are finding it hard to protect themselves from people around them who aren’t taking precautions. First, talk to your doctor or a rehabilitation clinician about your specific risks. Realize that the most powerful actions you can take to protect yourself are personal: wash your hands properly and often, and keep your distance from those around you outside your household. Plan extra cleaning of high-touch surfaces and provide PPE for yourself and caregivers or family who aren’t able to physically distance outside your home. Have a direct conversation or write down your concerns for people in your life who aren’t respecting your precautions. Reduce contact with things they touch like utensils or remote controls, and keep your distance. You can set up a hand washing station with hand sanitizer near your front door so it’s convenient and hard to miss! If you want to talk through how to explain your needs to those around you, reach out to your local peer coordinator or our Infoline team: or 1.800.689.2477. 
  • Consider dividing the house/apartment so that you and your housemate/family member do not share commonly used items like bathrooms, kitchen sinks, computers or TV remotes.
  • Ask around to see if anyone you know has a suite or spare room that you or the housemate/family member could use.
  • Chat with our Infoline at 1-800-689-2477 about further options.
  • Here’s an interesting article in the Guardian with some ideas about how to talk to friends and family who aren’t practicing social distancing and putting you at risk.

I have questions about ventilator/respirator supplies or support.

Mental health resources (UPDATED December 2020)

Emergency Help

If you feel that you are out of options and are going to hurt yourself, call 911.

  • Are you thinking of suicide?
  • What is your plan? / Do you have a plan?
  • How and when will you carry it out?
    …Then call 911 or ask someone nearby to call for you.

Call the provincial suicide crisis line, open 24/7 if you or someone you know is considering suicide. 1-800-784-2433

Non-emergency help

  • Call 310-6789 (no area code), open 24/7 for non-emergency emotional support and advice, as well as referrals to local health authority services.
  • Online Chat Service for Youth: (Noon to 1 am)
  • Online Chat Service for Adults: (Noon to 1 am)

This crisis is an unprecedented challenge to our mental health, and there are resources out there to support you during this time.

Helpful Resources

At-home tips for managing anxiety

It’s natural to feel a little anxious during a pandemic! Here are some great points our team learned this week to help manage anxiety during these turbulent times:

Limit access to news
Limiting and being strategic with what you watch or read is really important for your mental well-being. There’s a lot of information out there, so sticking to factual stories and limiting exposure to opinion pieces can be very helpful. It’s also good to remember to help our friends by being very cautious when sharing information on social media by ensuring it is from an accurate source.

Connect with people, but don’t just talk about COVID 19 
When you chat with your friends or family, it is important to be creative with your topics. There’s more going on besides the pandemic, and chances are everyone wants a break from thinking and worrying about it. So, reach out in a way that works for you—even a simple text is enough. You can help someone feel connected, which in the long run and has a positive impact on health.

The benefits of exercise for mental health are well established. Staying as physically active as you can during self-isolation can help with anxiety. SCI BC Peer coordinators are offering virtual exercise classes every week: yoga every Thursday and virtual fitness every Friday. If you prefer to work out on your own schedule, we have some wonderful fitness sources here.

Stay busy and have a schedule/plan for each day
Maintaining a healthy routine is important for mental health especially for those now working from home or unable to leave their home. Try getting up at the same time, dress how you normally would, and complete your normal daily routine. One Peer reports that once he started doing this, he felt much better.

Talk to kids in an age-appropriate way.
Let them know there is hope and that what they are doing (eg. not playing with friends) will help keep them safe and help others. Signs that kids are struggling and having anxiety are usually stomach aces, tantrums, and poor sleeping. Keeping an age-appropriate conversation with your children will help them understand what’s going on around them.

Limit screen time
This can be a tough one, but chatting to a friend over the phone, a neighbour at a safe distance, or looking out the window and people or nature-watching can break up the screen time and give you a much-needed break.

Ask people what they need or want
Rather than assuming what will help, just try asking. Chances are your friend or family member will have some idea about what can help. This takes the guesswork out for you, lets them know you’re there for them and validates their needs—which can be very reassuring.

Find humour where you can
Funny movies, tv shows, audio and real books, online humour. There’s a lot out there—take time to enjoy it!

Be creative to find ways to stay connected
Zoom, FaceTime, or a simple, but effective telephone call can connect you with a friend or family member. Another popular way to connect is through group chats on Whatsapp. If you apply these ideas you may find you don’t go for a few hours without chatting to someone.

Find a purpose for each day and the long term
Set a small goal for each day—it could be connecting with a friend or trying out a recipe that you’ve been curious about. You can also set longer term goals that take incremental dedication, such as working on an art project or signing up for an online class.

Community Helping organizations and food delivery for those quarantined/isolated at home

Search COVID-19 Coming Together on Facebook for a Coming Together group near you.

Call InfoLine for more support in connecting with help – 1-800-689-2477 or

Vancouver / North Vancouver:

Meals on Wheels – Health & Home Care Society of BC

Jewish Family Services

Vancouver Sun Adopt a School

COVID-19 Coming Together Vancouver Facebook Group—Click Here

COVID-19 Coming Together North Vancouver Facebook Group—Click Here


Relief Fund for Low-Income Richmond Residents: Richmond Homeless Connect: Request application form and fund criteria here:  They will make every effort to give a decision within 3 business days. If the matter is time sensitive and requires a quicker response, please call 604-644-7247 to discuss your referral.

Richmond Food Bank

Richmond Food Security Society (hampers for families with school-age children)

Richmond Cares Richmond Gives

COVID 19 Coming together Richmond Facebook Group—Click Here

New Westminster:

Friendly Support calls can be made to older adults 60+ and persons with disabilities in New Westminster. They can arrange for a staff person or qualified volunteer to call you as needed to: check your safety and health, offer supports or resources, or to socialize (call length may be limited). Support calls will start as soon as possible after registration.

If you wish to register, please call Century House 604-519-1062, or 604-519-1069, or 604-519-1066 from Monday – Friday 9:00am – 4:00 pm.

Tri-Cities – Coquitlam, Port Coquitlam, Port Moody:

COVID-19 Coming Together Tri Cities Facebook Group—Click Here

COVID-19 Coming Together Ridge Meadows Facebook Group—Click Here

Covid-19 Coming Together Coquitlam Facebook Group—Click Here

Fraser Valley:                                         

COVID-19 Coming Together Fraser Valley Facebook Group—Click Here

Seniors Come Share Society – Seniors Peer Help / Food Delivery/ Home and Day Programs – White Rock and Surrey:

Covid Isolation Assistance White Rock/South Surrey Facebook Group—Click Here

Volunteer Food Delivery and Phone Calls:

Langley Meals on Wheels:

Chilliwack Area:

CCFC Community Cares Facebook Group—Click Here

CCFC Sign up to receive help

Squamish/Sea To Sky:

COVID-19 Coming Together—Squamish Facebook Group Click Here

Vancouver Island – north of the Greater Victoria area – Capital Regional District:

Beacon Buddies: matching service for support and help for grocery meds and mail pickup for people quarantined. Duncan, Chemainus, Nanaimo, Ladysmith, Qualicum, Parksville, Port Alberni, Campbell River, Comox/Courtenay:

Vancouver Island:

Greater Victoria Mutual Aid Facebook Group—Click Here

BC Wide—no community specified:

Resources for All BC First Nation Individuals: 

BC Wide Facebook Group – BCCovid 19 Coming Together—Click Here

  • A facebook group that shares tips about getting through this time
  • Links to free grocery delivery
  • Can ask for help
  • Search facebook for “COVID19 coming together” and touch the “Groups” filter to see all the coming together groups, there is probably one in your area.

Grocery Order/ Meal Delivery

Spud—Offers Free Grocery Delivery —Metro Vancouver and Vancouver Island:

Walmart—Customers can place an order over the phone and schedule a time for pickup or delivery with one of their customer service representatives. They’re offering contact-free pick up, or touch-free delivery.  Here’s how: 

Share the Goods

Stocking a households with food and supplies to hunker down for a few week is a costly endeavour that not everyone can afford. If you can use a little help or are able to provide support, check out this site.

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