Rehab for Rehab
Our systems for hospital and community-based rehabilitation and recovery are in need of their own rehabilitation.
Go Vote 2022: Essential Information for Accessible Elections
Where and how can people with physical disabilities vote? We’ve compiled a list of voting locations and options in urban centres across the province for BC’s municipal elections.
BC SCI Network Accessibility Legislation Consultations: Summary & Report
In 2019, the BC SCI Network hosted a series of accessibility legislation community consultations to gather feedback on what would make Canada accessible and inclusive for all. Key findings and the full report are available here.
Cabin Fever: Accessible Cabins at Cultus Lake
New accessible cabins at Cultus Lake offer an amazing barrier-free camping experience for SCI BC Peers and their families thanks to BC Parks.
#AllOnBoard For Affordable and Accessible Transportation
How can we ensure our transportation systems are affordable and accessible to those who need them most? As part of Transit 2050 consultations, the #AllonBoard campaign addressed this question.
Wheel Love: A New Documentary on Love, Sex, Relationships, Fertility and SCI
Whether you’re a Peer interested in having a family, or just someone who appreciates stellar film-making, you don’t want to miss a compelling new short documentary conceived by Wheel Love’s Chelsea McEvoy.
This is my Life for Now…Until Further Notice: The Topsy-Turvy World of MS
Imagine living a life not knowing when MS will hijack your mobility. Guest writer Linda Tang takes us on her journey with disability through prose and poetry.
A Good Reason to Smile: First Wheelchair Accessible Dental Chair
Dr. David Burdett’s New Westminster dental clinic debuts what’s believed to be the first wheelchair accessible dental chair in British Columbia.
Clear Vision: SCI and Optometry
Dr. Paul Clark has enjoyed a rewarding career as an optometrist with an SCI, and has some insight for those seeking to maximize their vision and eye health.
Much More Than Coffee: South Fraser Active Living Group
In two short years, the South Fraser Active Living Group has taken Peer power to a whole new level.
Questionable Timing
Scientists have found evidence that SCI disrupts the body’s internal clock. Dr. Gaudet is working to understand the mechanisms and implications of this — and develop strategies to lessen the impact.
Wheelchair 101: Maintenance and Minor Repairs
How do I change a flat tire? What should I have in my toolkit? How often should I check my chair? Macdonald’s Home Health Care recently shared their tips with our Surrey Peer Coffee group and we’ve compiled them here as a handy reference.