Emergency Essentials for People with Disabilities

People with disabilities face unique challenges when it comes to emergency preparation, evacuation, shelter, and the recovery process. By planning ahead you can more confidently protect yourself when disaster strikes.

Questionable Timing

Scientists have found evidence that SCI disrupts the body’s internal clock. Dr. Gaudet is working to understand the mechanisms and implications of this — and develop strategies to lessen the impact.

Calorie Crunch: Nutrition and SCI

Dr. Kristine Cowley explores the link between SCI and obesity with new research from the University of Manitoba—you may be surprised by what she found.

Walt’s Time: He’s Far From Finished

Walt Lawrence has lived a remarkably long and healthy life for someone with C2-C3 quadriplegia who is dependent on a ventilator—and he’s far from finished.

Let There Be Ink

Tattoos often mean more than what you can see on the surface, especially after an SCI.  SCI BC’s Digital Communications Coordinator and Peer Gabe Chesman shares what his ink means to him and things to consider when getting a tattoo after an SCI.