12 Accessible BC Trails to Wander This Summer

Maybe it’s that low Canadian dollar, or maybe you just prefer to spend your spare time here in beautiful BC. Whatever your reason, here are a dozen accessible BC trails to get you out and about this summer.
Healthy Food & Bladder Issues

Weight, infection risk, skin condition and digestion are factors that influence your bladder. Learn about the sources for a balanced diet.
The BC Poverty Reduction Strategy and SCI

Living with SCI and similar physical disabilities is expensive and brings some unique challenges to making a steady, liveable income. This spring, when the provincial government asked for input on a future poverty reduction strategy, our SCI BC Peers made their voices heard.
Coachella by Wheelchair

Thinking of hitting up a music festival this summer? Music lover and newly-injured SCI BC Surrey-based Peer Mitch Garrett recently travelled to Indio, California to attend the world-famous Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival.
Let There Be Ink

Tattoos often mean more than what you can see on the surface, especially after an SCI. SCI BC’s Digital Communications Coordinator and Peer Gabe Chesman shares what his ink means to him and things to consider when getting a tattoo after an SCI.
Access & Allies: North America

SCI BC Peer Murray Siple has an eye for finding unique, wheelchair-friendly places to stay while away from home. Here are some of his top recommendations for wheelchair users looking to travel in Canada and the US and helpful tips for a smooth trip.
Access BC at Central Okanagan Tourism Industry Showcase

The Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association and SCI BC present the Access BC project at the Central Okanagan Tourism Industry Showcase.
Yellowstone by Chair

This summer former Events Lead and SCI BC Peer Jessica Kruger crossed an adventure to Yellowstone National Park off her bucket list. She shares her experience- with tips and tricks on how to make your Yellowstone camping trip wheelchair accessible.
Access & Allies: International

Avid traveler and SCI BC Peer Murray Siple has seen the good, the bad and everything in between when it comes to wheelchair-friendly travel. Here are some of his top recommendations for unique and accessible places to stay around the world.
Pole Sport & Sex: How Canadian wheelchair user Erin Clark is redefining the standards of pole sport and art

Meet Erin Clark, a pole sport enthusiast and wheelchair user who has taken the highly competitive world of pole sport by storm, through the combination of acrobatics and artistic moves- all on a vertical metal pole.
Moving On: A Roll in the Right Direction

If life has taught Jessica Kruger anything, it’s how to deal with—and embrace—change. As her role as SCI BC Event Lead (and office pastry extraordinaire) comes to an end, Jess shares how (and why) she’s moved on—with her profession, her athletic career, and her disability.
Read It Your Way: Library Resources for People with Disabilities in BC

If you have a disability, the library may bring up more questions than answers: Does the facility have an accessible ramp or elevator? Can that small print get any bigger? And what if I can’t hold a physical book?